Sunday, June 1, 2008

Google releases sleek icon on unsuspecting public


Has anyone noticed the new favicon, left, being used on all Google Web sites? It's curvier and bluer than the old one, right.

It caught me off guard.

But I sort of like it. Though it has more curves, it's simpler than the old one, which is in keeping with Google's design philosophy: fewer the frills, the better.

Interestingly, Google's new icon seems to be a Firefox exclusive. Internet Explorer and Safari still have the old icon. (I used Safari to grab a screen shot of the old one.)


Anonymous said...

I noticed that earlier, especially when Google was taking FOR FREAKIN' EVER to do searches. (Fewer frills? Obviously it's slowing down search time!) But I was using IE, so you might want to issue a correction. Or just study the issue. Or something.


Andrew Knapp said...

That was the case with IE when I first wrote this (I saw it), but it isn't anymore, so I won't do anything.

And no, favicons do not slow search.