Has anyone noticed the new favicon, left, being used on all Google Web sites? It's curvier and bluer than the old one, right.
It caught me off guard.
But I sort of like it. Though it has more curves, it's simpler than the old one, which is in keeping with Google's design philosophy: fewer the frills, the better.
Interestingly, Google's new icon seems to be a Firefox exclusive. Internet Explorer and Safari still have the old icon. (I used Safari to grab a screen shot of the old one.)
I noticed that earlier, especially when Google was taking FOR FREAKIN' EVER to do searches. (Fewer frills? Obviously it's slowing down search time!) But I was using IE, so you might want to issue a correction. Or just study the issue. Or something.
That was the case with IE when I first wrote this (I saw it), but it isn't anymore, so I won't do anything.
And no, favicons do not slow search.
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