Monday, August 11, 2008

Work, work, work inspires D.C. photo essay

Duck, duck, abuse. A boy near the World War II memorial tries to foul the fowl by getting it wetter than it already is.

I'm less than a week away from my second vacation of 2008, but I haven't finished showing you the first, a trip to Washington a few weeks ago.

I've been quite busy in the time I've returned, as you've probably gathered in my few posts since that disastrous stay of 12 hours in an airport terminal. Most of my time has been occupied with work, some with jury duty, some with nonwork editing.

But work is what inspired this post, which is mostly just photos, like many others on The Offlede. On Friday, I put in my first full shift as an online producer. I created a photo gallery of the day's best images. It did quite well on the site - for a weekend, anyway - with about 5,000 hits. See it here.

Modeled after the San Francisco Chronicle's Day in Pictures gallery, I did what I think all newspapers should do: write short, engaging captions for each photo. It's not always easy, but I think it works better than being long and boring, as I usually am.

Ruling behind an iron gate. I toured this place last year with a few Senate interns. Cameras are prohibited inside; this is the best I could do.

Never give up. For years, she has protested President Bush's stand for Israel. She camps in front of the White House, shews away pigeons and speaks gibberish.

Watergate ain't for pansies. Some variety of the morning glory is in favor at the hotel.

Not dressed for the conditions. A worker cleans the reflecting pool near the World War II memorial. You would think he would wear less.


Yeah, well, I can do that, too.
A duck mimics the pose of the Washington Monument.


I'm taller than all y'all.
Washington towers over a tree and a tourist on the mall.

O'er land of the free. One of the flags around the Washington Monument waves beneath the sun. D.C. is a great place to visit because places such as this are free.

Sweet rides. Two mounted members of the Ark Police stand sentinel as children, off camera, gawk at and try to touch their transportation.

Holy mackerel sky. The steeple of the Church of the Ascension and St. Agnes on Massachusetts Avenue reaches for the cloud-shrouded heavens.

1 comment:

Wordnerdy said...

Nice punctuation on the y'all. Nice use, too. Whatever will the Mainers think when you return?