This week, the Space Coast reaches the beginning of the wet season, meteorologists are saying. Thunderstorms are possible each day, and on Sunday, Melbourne was grazed by one that eventually fizzled before it could bring much rain. The above shot shows a view of the storm just west of Lake Washington.

Lightning strikes to the left of the sunlit horizon just before sunset.

The plus side of not getting a direct hit from this storm was that I could shoot it without getting wet.

I zoomed in closer and got this shot. For all of these lightning photos, I mounted the camera on a tripod and readied my remote control. Each time lightning struck, I'd mash down the remote in hopes that the shot would catch a bolt. For three of the four strikes in view of my camera, I actually got the shot. This isn't an easy thing to do during daylight.

The sun eventually did peek out slightly just as it set. Too bad there wasn't any lightning for this shot.

Sunlight shines through the rainstorm, creating a red glow on the horizon, with dark storm clouds above.
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